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God's Exceptional Children Loving All Without Exception

We are A Family Loving God's Children Without Exception. Christian life is an act of balance.
We believe that love, the bonds of community, and serving the needs of others
bring us closer to God. Together, we learn, and do the work of Jesus.

The Thrift Shop is looking for volunteers to work the front desk.

There are two shifts - Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm or 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Please contact Caroline Barnett

if you are interested. (727) 459-3650.


The Thrift Shop needs donations. If you have any small kitchen counter-top appliances, kitchenware, dishes, tools, small household items, etc., please drop them off in the donation shed in front of the Parish Hall.


Écoutez nos sermons passés

Nos sermons sont disponibles en ligne pour vous à regarder et à écouter à tout moment.
Vos dons aident à soutenir notre mission et nous permettent de continuer à répandre l'amour et la compassion dans toute notre communauté.
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