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Belcher Elementary School

St. John's sponsors Belcher Elementary School in a variety of ways, helping students through mentorships, meals by our Pack-A-Sack program, and St. John's Annual Christmas Giving Tree ministry.

Belcher Elementary School

The St. John's congregation is dedicated to supporting its students in every way possible. Through mentorship, nurturing, and providing food throughout the school year, we strive to empower our students to succeed. With our weekly meal program, we ensure that those in need have access to nourishing meals over the weekend. We understand that some of our students can only eat at school, so we offer our Pack-A-Sack ministry to provide them with a meal to feed them through the weekend. We are proud to be a community that takes care of its own, and we will continue to do everything in our power to support our students.

Durante la temporada de Adviento, St. John's recibe una lista de nombres, edades, tallas de ropa y deseos navideños de los niños de la escuela primaria Belcher que de otro modo no recibirían un regalo de Navidad. El "Giving Tree" tiene etiquetas-adornos con la información de los niños para aquellos que deseen que la Navidad de un niño sea especial. Este año, muchos donantes generosos han dado un paso al frente para dar desde sus corazones y ayudar a llevar alegría, esperanza y amor a estos niños. A través de su amabilidad, están ayudando a crear un futuro mejor para estos niños.

Belcher Elementary Angel Tree Gifts 2023_edited_edited.jpg

The Lunch Pals program pairs students with PCS (Pinellas County Schools) volunteers who meet for 30 minutes once a week during the student’s lunch. Through one-on-one interaction and attention, this program encourages students to be more communicative, practice good behavior, and invest in their learning by providing a supportive adult figure to students. A volunteer mentor supports a positive attitude towards school in order to achieve academic success and to help the student experience improved self-esteem.


Mentors must go through a 1-hour long training workshop and register as a Level 1 volunteer with Pinellas County Schools. Mentor workshops are hosted across the county and online.


Here is the link for register for a mentor workshop or see other dates, times, and location HERE  You can register as a volunteer at this link: HERE


St. John's Episcopal Church Clearwater loves its volunteers.

They are our community's angels.

Contact us to learn how you can become one of our angels.

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